Andrew Gudgel

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Andrew Gudgel

I'm a freelance writer of both fiction and nonfiction, a translator of Classical Chinese, a poet, and practitioner of Thomas Shelton's Tachygraphy.

I have a BA in Chinese Language and Literature from Ohio State University, and masters degrees in Liberal Arts from St. Johns College, Annapolis, Maryland, and Science Writing from Johns Hopkins University. I'm also a graduate of the Kenyon Review Literary Nonfiction Workshop.

I became interested in science and technology as a child, when I stumbled across my parents' copy of The Whole Earth Catalog. In mid-2015, I learned Tachygraphy, an early form of shorthand invented in the 1600's by Thomas Shelton and used by Samuel Pepys to write his famous diaries. I've practiced daily since.

I've published everything from science articles and essays to science fiction short stories to poetry. I also translate Classical Chinese, mostly poetry and essays from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. You can find examples of my work in the bibliography section.

Feel free to email me at: contact (at sign) andrewgudgel (dot) com.
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And if you're looking for my essay about commonplace books, it's located here. It can also be found as part of my "Digital Renaissance Man" article in the "Downloads" section.


(c) 2015-2024 Andrew Gudgel
Email: contact (at sign) andrewgudgel (dot) com
This page last updated: 20241227